Generator / Uncategorised / Development Associate Anton...
Uncategorised / 27.09.19

Following the conclusion of my three years at The University of Reading, the opportunity to rejoin an experienced and successful development team was one that I could not turn down. After graduating with a 2:1 degree in Real Estate, where I followed a Development and Planning pathway, I have been able to develop the required skill set that will lay the foundations needed to contribute effectively to this strong, residential-led development team.
Having previously spent time with Generator as an intern in the Summer of 2018, I was already aware of the structures of the company and remained in contact while continuing my studies at Reading. The Generator team offered invaluable advice and provided me with literature, enabling me to start my dissertation on a topic that I had been reviewing during my internship:
‘How effective is the Metropolitan Green belt in enhancing the quality of the built environment of local communities’
Generator has undergone a complete re-brand during my absence I have been keenly following the company’s progression and growth over the past months. My new role at Generator now centers around assisting the strategic land and development divisions, concentrating on assessing profit potential on sites in line with Generator’s business plan. I have been working closely with Ben Hobbs and Edward Orr, who both have a great deal of experience in acquisition and delivery of development sites. Their experience will help me as I build upon the knowledge I have already attained through my studies at University.
With a volatile political climate, the opportunity to gain firsthand experience working with skilled professionals is invaluable. An opportunity I look to take full advantage of as I make the first steps towards a career path in property.
A career in Real Estate has always been a driving ambition of mine, and being involved in such a diverse and interesting business will open up many exciting opportunities. I look forward to continuing my development at Generator and hope to add value to what is already a highly skilled and successful team.